To have time 

Christmas is about many things, but the most important thing is taking the time to be together. You can be together in many ways and it is "hyggelig" if you use that time to do something you normally don't do otherwise. For example, you can bake Christmas cookies, play games, watch a nice Christmas movie together or just enjoy the fact that you have time to spend together.

You have to find the time yourself, but the problem is often that you always have things to do when you are at home - doing laundry, tidying up, paying bills and sorting out a lot of boring things.

If you can find the time for yourself, we have a holiday home for you that is heated and clean and ready for you to move into and where Christmas and the time together can be enjoyed.

We'd love to see you.

Holiday homes for Christmas

Time of joy

Christmas is the time of joy and joy doesn't always have to cost anything. Below we have some suggestions of free joys to experience here over the Christmas month.

  • Beach hike
  • Visit the small island "Hindø" with the rich nature in Stadil Fjord
  • Visit of the forest playground with the small museum at Koglehuset
  • Make an excursion to Klosterheden and with a little luck you get to see red deer
  • Watch the rich bird life at Vest Stadil Fjord (with a bit of luck even sea eagles)
  • Take a wonderfully refreshing walk in the forest - maybe try one of the trails in Husby Klitplantage
  • Visit the cozy old town of Ringkøbing or make the trip to Holstebro to see the Christmas lights

A Christmas tree for christmas

One of the Christmas traditions is the Christmas tree. Here at the office you can buy a small tree in the days before Christmas. The tree creates hygge and the right Christmas atmosphere in the holiday home.

We also sell wood for the stove, and if you arrive for your Christmas holiday on December 19th, you can order 3 sacks of firewood (minimum) in advance and we will deliver them to your holiday home, where they will be ready for you when you arrive.