Maybe you have seen the green tractor bus in the area around Vedersø Klit and Vester Husby - the one with the big nice picture of a red deer on the side. It was actually with that tractor bus that Seaside Safari started in 2018.

The idea then was - as it is today - to give people experiences in nature, experiences in a way that you do not necessarily get otherwise. “Getting out into nature in a different way, e.g. in a tractor bus that drives you through a nature area and where you just have the opportunity to have full focus on what you pass by, it can create a completely new experience. ” - explains Michael Madsen, the man behind the company. Do you think the name seems familiar, then it may be because you have previously heard about the "Skipper" for the Jutland Aquarium in Thyborøn, from where Michael, in addition to the aquarium also makes sure to send tourists out on experiences in nature.

Seaside Safari

Seaside Safari works and offers trips along the West Coast, primarily in the area between the two port cities Hvide Sande and Thorsminde. Since 2018, a lot of experimentation has taken place to find out what excursions and activities can otherwise be offered to tourists on the West Coast. One of the popular activities is the amber safaris on the beaches. Here you get "trained", partly on the school bench and otherwise through play and practical experience, in getting to know amber and finding amber, and after a few hours you can call yourself an amber hunter.

The amber safaris are also one of Michael's favorite activities. “I was born and raised on the West Coast, and had the beaches as a playground when I was a child. My mother taught me, at an early age, to find amber, and today it is probably still one of my favorite occupations. And then it's probably also when I walk there by the beach that I relax the most. ” - tells Michael.


The tractor bus has many features. In addition to, for example, nature safaris, forest tastings, mushroom trips, beaver safaris and Food Walk, which are just some of the trips that Michael and his team of skilled and committed employees offer, the bus can also be rented by companies and the trips can be customized as you wish. Michael says: “Through the relatively short service life of the tractor bus, we have been on many fun tasks. For example have we had to entertain wedding guests with a picnic while the bride and groom were photographed. We have also run family trips in connection with birthdays, where we have been given the task of providing the entertainment or coffee. We are open to pretty much everything, and we will always strive to ensure that everyone can get what they want and help create as good an experience as possible. ”

In addition to tractor trips and amber safaris, Seaside Safari also offers other types of experiences. You can for example in Hvide Sande hop on a boat and get a guided boat trip on Ringkøbing Fjord, or maybe a harbor tour.

Seaside Safari is constantly working to create new experiences for tourists on the West Coast, and it is therefore encouraged to always keep a sharp eye on the website's activity calendar, where all the announced trips can also be booked. Very often, extra trips are held at short notice when the seats are full, so everyone has the opportunity to join the trip.

Seaside Safari does not have an actual base at its disposal, but at Vedersø Klit, directly opposite Klitferies Kontor, by the old rescue house, several of the trips take their starting point.

Common to all the tours on offer is that the senses must be in play. "For me, nature means so much, and if I can help to give our guests an experience beyond the usual - experiences that even sit on the soul, then I am happy." - concludes a passionate Michael Madsen.


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