Webcam from Vedersø Klit

Klitferies webcam is located on the old sea mark on Vedersø Klit.

It gives you both a view of the North Sea and the area around the sea mark on Vedersø Klit.

Webcam from the old sea mark on Vedersø Klit

Our webcam is located on the old sea mark on Vedersø Klit which has adorned the dunes since 1884. The sea mark was set up together with 24 others along the entire west coast to help the ships that sailed along the west coast. With the help of the sea marks, the ships could navigate along the west coast, that was also known as the "Iron Coast", because of the harsh conditions the sailors always met here. All sea marks are also uniquely designed, and they can therefore also be used to determine the ship's position.

Today, only 11 of the 25 sea marks remain, the last 14 have been taken by the North Sea when it eats a little further into the dunes every year. The sea mark on Vedersø Klit was also close to being swallowed by the North Sea a few years ago, but a number of local holiday home owners set out to save the sea mark from the teeth of the sea. On private initiative, they obtained the necessary permits to move the sea mark further inland, with support from a fund under the Danish shipping giant A.P. Møller Maersk.

The sea mark was finally rescued from the sea in 2011, and in the rescue they also managed to preserve the original wood, which is why the sea mark is still protected.

We hope you will enjoy the webcam.